Lego To Bring, 'The Avengers' And 'Jurassic World' To The World Of Lego Video Games

The Avengers are about to be turned in to Lego form again for this falls Lego video game, 'Marvel's Avengers'! 
Jurassic World (2015) & Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)... If you haven't heard of them yet... Well let me set your mind at ease... Both movies are the highly anticipated sequels to some of Hollywood's biggest franchises (i,e. Jurassic World, is the latest sequel in the, 'Jurassic Park' series, and Avengers: 'Age Of Ultron', is the sequel to the blockbuster 2012 movie, 'The Avengers'!)

But we here at Hellinspace have come to discover something kind of interesting... It turns out that LEGO is planning on releasing both, 'Jurassic World', and, 'Marvel's Avengers' lego video games... later this year!

Jurassic World maybe coming to the big screen soon, but the LEGO video game version won't be far on it';s tail!
That's right folks, according to: Gamesradar.

Jurassic World will be a lego form video game that will allow the player to play in a lego version of, 'Jurassic World', as well as all of it's predecessor movies (also in lego form)!

As for, 'The Avengers' this game it looks like thus far will be a family friendly re-creation of the original movie in all of it's true awesomeness!

Jurassic World is set to be released on: PC, PS3, PS4, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo 3DS, and PS Vita, some time in June, and Marvel's Avenger is set for release some time this fall!

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