Friday Night Double Feature: A Nightmare On Elm Street/A Nightmare On Elm Street

If you are a horror fan, then you mostly likely have seen both the remake and the original version of horror movies, and if you are like me, then most of the time you will see why as a remake of the movie just doesn't quite hold up to it's legendary predecessor...

Well if you are also like me, then some times you like to watch the original and the remake back-to-back, and then afterward compare both in your mind, as both a remake to the original, and if you are lucky enough to find a lesser objectionable remake, to see how that movie could actually be good as it's own original movie!

So I thought that I would do for this week's double feature: A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) and, A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010)!

It's A Krueger double feature! 

For more information, please enjoy this trailer for: A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984):

Also, please enjoy this trailer for: A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010):

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