Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (2014) - Movie Review

The end of the world may have occurred... But it doesn't mean that Men & Apes will be happy with each other!
When Mark Wahlberg's remake of the original Charlton Heston (Soylent Green) first came out... I have to say that I was fairly unimpressed with the way the movie ended up working out... I mean I was fairly certain about what they had intended to do with it... But... Just seriously unimpressed!

But when James Franco (Spider-Man) released, Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (2012)... Forget about it! This movie was impressive for a bunch of reasons that I will go in to in a later post... But as for: Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (2014)...

Written by: Mark Bomback (Total Recall), Rick Jaffa (The Relic), Amanda Silver (The Hand That Rocked The Cradle) & Directed by: Matt Reeves (Let Me In). Starring: Andy Serkis (The Prestige), Jason Clarke (Lawless), Gary Oldman (Bram Stokers: Dracula) & Keri Russell (The Americans).

The movie poster for: Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (2014)!

"Apes not kill apes."

- Koba (A quote from: Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes)

This movie tells the story of how a decade after a pandemic has destroyed most of mankind, the survivors of both mankind and Apes are living in their own separate colonies in peace (because they mostly don't know how close they actually are to each other...)

Ape may not kill Ape, but Ape may soon kill man...
But when the humans start working on powering up their colony, they decide to use an old hydro-electric power plant that happens to be in Ape territory... And when the two races discover each other, it will take the best males of both species to come together and work things out, before they end up in a genocidal war that will wipe out the last hope of intelligence on the planet!

In the end... This movie is just awesome, and if you are in to these types of films, then check this one out... It is well worth it!

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