This is the first comic to feature, 'Batman'!
Batman... I mean this character is iconic on the same level as Superman, The Avengers, as well as so many more of the comic books that we grew up enjoying, as well as the movies we still currently love!
I mean rather it is Michael Keaton (Beetlejuice), Val Kilmer (Top Gun) or even Christian Bale (American Psycho) portraying the, 'Batman', this hero has managed to continue to keep audiences not just entertained, but on the edge of their seats as Batman and his side kicks over the years have taken out such awesome villains as, 'Joker', or, 'The Penguin', etc...
Christian Bale as, 'The Dark Knight' fighting Heath Ledger as, 'The Joker'!
With that said, if you are like me, the movie maybe amazing, but you always have to go back to the source... I mean I have seen just about everything from, 'The Avengers', and freaking love all of them! But getting to read the first, 'Avengers' comic was just truly awesome! And the same goes for basically all of the rest of the original first issues that I have read!
And that is part of the reason why I am glad that I have read, 'Detective Comics #27'... A.K.A. 'The first appearance of, 'The Batman'!
The first adventures of, 'The Batman'!
That's right folks, before being called just, 'Batman', or, 'The Dark Knight', Bruce Wayne is still a billionaire who lost his family tragically, but in this case his name is, 'The Batman'...
And in this first adventure of, 'The Batman', his adventure maybe a little bit more simplistic... You see, our hero has tasked himself with uncovering the murderer of a business man, and the conspiracy that surrounds it!
I will say that I now understand the wacky costumes that, 'The Batman' some times wears through out the decades...
With that said, I will say that I did enjoy this comic, but if you are looking for one of the more involved comics that the more modern Batman comics generally tend to be... Well then you may not like this comic... but if you want to see where Batman first came from... Then this is definitely one to enjoy!