3 Reasons To Watch Horror Movies During The Holidays This Year - #Holiday #Horror

Watching horror on Halloween... How cool is that!
Ok, I admit that horror movies and holidays don't exactly go hand in hand during a series of holidays that are supposed to promote good will and charity for all, but let's be honest fright fans, horror movies rule, and so here are my three reasons to watch horror movies during the holidays! 

1. They rule! 

This Santa is going to hang a lot more from the chimney then stockings!

That's right, horror movies rock, I mean if you are by yourself this holiday season... Are you really going to watch Miracle On 34th Street (1947)? Or are you going to watch Santa Claws (1996)? If you are looking for some adrenaline pumping, edge of your seat type of thrills and chills during the Holidays, you are going to want to watch Santa Claws or the many other horror movies out there! 

2. There are a ton of horror movies that match each holiday! 

Thankskilling... This ain't your normal Turkey!
That's right fright fans, from, 'Thankskilling' to, 'Silent Night Bloody Night', there is definitely something there for everyone this holiday season! 

And finally at number 3. If you are alone, some times doing something a little out of the usual can be fun!

Which Kringle did it, eh?
 That's right fright fans, so if you are looking to do something a little different on either Thanksgiving or Christmas this year, then check out a horror movie... And here are some that I think might help you get started! 

And if you want to find some more... Then check out these movies we have to offer in our store at HellsDepot.com
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