Video Game Of The Month: Bionic Commando (2009)

Bionic Commando (2009)... The Video Game Of The Month For A Reason!
When I first got in to playing video games, the video game system that had been really popular had been the, 'NES'... (I know, practically the stone age compared to modern systems...)

Well, there was a lot of truly fun video games out there, rather you were an RPG fan, or a side  scrolling shoot 'em game fan (There wasn't really much in the way of first person shooter games then... with the obvious exception of, 'Duck Hunt'...)

Anyway, during that time, one of my favorite video games on the NES (and still is one of my favorite games of that era was,  Bionic Commando (1988)!

This game was so much fun... I am glad they made a sequel to it!
Well I recently discovered an updated version of this game, that as it turns out is a sequel to the classic NES game... That game being: Bionic Commando (2009)!

Now I do want to review this game eventually, so all I am gonna say, is this story is amazing, the graphics are kick ass, and the game play is easy enough... Ultimately it is just awesome!

For more information, check out this trailer for the game!

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