Marvel: Future Fight (2015) - Video Game Review

Not one of the more interesting Marvel video games...
I am sure that if you are like me, you are in to the whole (MCU: Marvel Cinematic Universe,) having found almost everything Marvel to fucking rule! 

Now you got to understand that for me, it is rare when I find some piece of media that Marvel has created that I have taken a part of that I didn't truly freaking love! I have seen a large portion of the modern cartoons and movies as well as having enjoyed some of the pre-Iron Man 1 stuff as well as having read a ton of the comics also! 

So when there is something that I don't like... I have to say that it is a little disappointing... But it hasn't been un-heard of... 

And a great example of this is Marvel: Future Fight (2015)! 

Black Widow and Iron Man are just two of the laundry list of Marvel heroes you can play as... They are also the easiest to become... 
You see the game is a game that was developed by: Netmarble Games, and has you play as different characters from the Marvel Universe as you go through various levels in various stories... And each of these characters have the abilities that we have all grown up loving, and as you go through the level you get to grow your own team... Should be awesome right? 

Well the truth is, is felt like the levels after awhile all kind of bled together... I found it dumb when you end up fighting a mirror character of the person that you are playing as... Also, unless you have money, getting new characters takes (FOR-FUCKING-EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 

Believe it or not... Iron Man & Black Widow are two of about 4 characters that the game allows you pretty easily to become...

But if you have the patience to go through all of this, then you might enjoy this game... And I will be honest and say that this game was fun... But in the end, it just got real dull for me pretty quick! 

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