Song Of The Month: Metallica's 'Whiskey In The Jar'!

Jason Newsted maybe gone, but this song is a classic from his time with the band! 
Another first! My first, 'Song Of The Month' for my new blog... Dare I say it... YAY! 

Now more seriously, the song that I wanted to recommend is Metallica's, 'Whiskey In The Jar' from their 1998 album, 'Garage Inc.'

There are a lot of amazing songs on that album that are different from Metallica's norm that I do really like, but I decided to pick this song, because this song is probably in my opinion both representative of the amazing work that they have always brought to the table, and the brilliant and fun work that they brought to that album... but still plays well almost 20 years later, and happens to be one of those songs that rather you have been  following them for over 20 year (like I have,) or are just checking their music out for the first time, is a song you are going to love! 

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