Kurt Cobain's Montage Of Heck

 Kurt Cobain... A master of grunge rock in the 90s is being brought to prominence with a new documentary about the master!
Kurt Cobain... This guy... Man this guy in the early 90s, did for Grunge, what Elvis did for rock 'n roll nearly 40 years earlier... I mean you could say that in Kurt Cobain's short, yet prolific career, that he became the King of the grunge rock scene!

Now something of interest has come to light recently, and that is the documentary that Brett Morgen (Chicago 10) recently did about the life and times of the amazing talent, and the darker more unfortunate side of his life called: Kurt Cobain: Montage Of Heck (2015).

 The poster for the movie: Kurt Cobain: Montage Of Heck (2015).

Another thing that appears to have come to light since Kurt Cobain's biopic has started playing the circuit at Sundance, is an interesting sound montage mix tape that he did in the late 80s!

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