Movie Of The Half: Superman (1978)!

Not strictly a, 'Thanksgiving movie' per-se... I thought that I would go for the more tradition route for this Thanksgiving, and recommend a fan favorite... Something that is as American as, 'mom', 'apple pie,' and all the other iconic stuff that makes America great... 

I thought that I would recommend: Superman (1978)!
Truly a fantastic film! 
For those few out there that haven't heard of the movie: Essentially Superman tells the story of an Alien (who looks human,) who is sent to Earth from his dying planet, and grows up to fight crime as the worlds first super hero, for truth, justice and the American way! 

For more information on this movie, check out the trailer for: Superman (1978)!  

Also if you are looking for some other great similar type of movies to enjoy this Thanksgiving, check out what our store: HellsDepot has to offer by clicking here:

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