Song Of The Half: Facade by: Disturbed!

A fantastic song!
We here at Hellinspace in conjunction with our other site, HellsDepot are introducing a new thing that we hope will give you guys even more opportunity to find some really cool Horror/Scifi entertainment to enjoy!

That being the item, 'of the half'! What does that mean... Well simply put, we have 6 categories in which we regularly write about, and so every month we are going to award a particular item from one of those categories that our staff have found that we really like, and that deserves special merit! 

And for this month we thought that we would mention the song, 'Facade' from Disturbed's 2008 album: 'Indestructible'! Let's just put it this way... I can tell you why I like this song, but for more information why not just check out this song for yourself!

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