Universal Monsters...Why They Should Stay The Ultimate Anti-Hero!

The Universal Monsters we have all come to know and love!
Ok, so I am sure that if you are a movie fan, that you have probably heard that Universal is turning the horror franchises ultimate anti-heroes, (Universal's monsters) in to heroes!

Well if you are like me, you are probably wondering who is smoking what in the Universal think tank that has decided to take a truly legendary classic set of stories like these monsters, and butchering the holy hell out of them!

Trust me when I say that you are not alone!

This guy is pretty unhappy with it...
Now I realize here that maybe I should explain to those that are new to the world of horror, who the, 'Universal Monsters' are...

Well simply, there is a group of monsters that essentially where adapted by Universal Studios in the early days of film for film, but that were based on victorian era monsters from some of horror's greatest novels.

Some of these monsters are: Frankenstein's Monster, The Wolf Man, Dracula and The Mummy, and that is to name a few!

This is an image of actor: 'Bela Lugosi' as, 'Count Dracula' in the movie of the same name... Dracula is based on the novel by Bram Stoker. 
Anyway, in a lot of respects, you could say that these monsters are sort of the ancestors of the modern horror movie villain, and it would be incredibly stupid to turn them from their darker roots in to some kind of hero, and I will tell you why.

First off let me say this, modern Hollywood has tended to seriously butcher their remade horror movies, (not all of them, but I would say pretty much a good 99% of them are pretty useless...) 

The next thing that I wanted to say is that where as it is true that new ideas are definitely what Hollywood needs to keep infusing in to the world of movies. Taking a classic like, 'Dracula' is like taking, 'Michael Myers'and making him a super hero fighting alongside the X-Men... It is a stupid idea that would frankly piss off the Halloween and X-Men core audiences respectively!

This, 'A Nightmare On Elm Street' remake movie was a great example of a horrible remake of an awesome movie series!
Now before I continue on, I will say that it is always a good idea to have a new set of audience coming in to enjoy any classic... Universal needs to figure out how to get a new audience in there for these classics, while not annoying their core audience.

For those of you who are new to the world of horror, please enjoy these trailer for some of these classic movies... You will see what I mean!

Also, if you are looking for some new horror movies to enjoy this Halloween, then check out our store at: HellsDepot

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