Friday Night Double Feature: The Crawling Eye (1958) And Sharknado (2013)

The Friday Night Double Feature this week: The Crawling Eye (1958), and Sharknado (2013)! 
That's right guys... Friday night fast approaches... Time to get together with the woman you love, pop some popcorn, pour the bubbly, and turn on some insanely awesome & cheesy as hell, 'B' Sci-fi movies... Well your girl maybe a little peeved (unless she is in to these types of movies... Hey, you never know... Am right?) No, but seriously, unless you are truly home alone this Friday night, or are in a position for a fun good ole fashion shlockfest, then I got a couple of goodies here that will please the masses, old or young! First off... A golden oldie, The Crawling Eye (1958).
This guest at the Swiss resort probably won't be coming back... But then again, the resort officials have a lot more that they are going to have to worry about...
 Starring: Forrest Tucker (The Bionic Woman), Laurence Payne (Vampire Circus), (They Came From Beyond Space) & Janet Munro (The Day The Earth Caught Fire). This awesome tale, tells the story of a Swiss resort in the Alps, and how for the vacationers at the resort, they are about to have some Alien company... And they enjoy tearing people down... And I don't mean emotionally!
And the next one is a more recent one, this one being: Sharknado (2013)!
Aliens invade the Earth... Accept these aliens come from the ocean, and not from outer space!
Starring: Ian Ziering (Beverly Hills 90210), Tara Reid (American Pie), John Heard (Assault On Wall Street), Cassie Scerbo (Agoraphobia). This movie tells the tale of a different invasion, when the Sharks from the Ocean begin to invade the rest of the world... Humanity will be powerless to stop them... But a bar owner, his friends, and family are bound and determined to try!
The truth is, is these movies are both cheesy as hell, awesome as hell, and if you are looking for a night of just good ole fashion thoughtless fun... You can't go wrong with these movies!
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