Steppenwolf: Ride With Me (1971) - Song Review

Steppenwolf... Well a lot of the modern day music fans probably have not really heard of them... It is a shame to! I mean in a lot of ways they helped shape some great music soundtracks! 

Also in a lot of respects you could say that Steppenwolf created the soundtrack for the Vietnam war, what with their song: 'Magic Carpet Ride' (1968) being one of those songs that seems to go side by side in almost every none overly dramatic moment about the Vietnam War... Also their song, 'born to be wild' (1968) is a song (that regained a large amount of popularity in the 1980s,) has been connected with a lot of biker movies as well! 

I know I have used a lot of movie references in this review about the songs I mentioned above, but take a listen to them and you will see what I mean! 

Steppenwolf Album Cover
Anyway, the song that I wanted to mention here though is the song: Ride With Me (1971)... 

Now I will give you that it is probably fairly hard to make the adaption from one decade to another, and this song I suspect maybe has that particular problem! What I mean by this is that where as the song is good... Tonally it is not much different then some of the music that they produced in the 60s... And was to me just not much really new or terribly exciting... 

I guess what I am basically saying is this... If you are looking for a song to listen to while you work, this is a good one for that, but if you are looking for a good Steppenwolf song to introduce yourself to, then this song probably is not it! 

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