Misery (1987) - Stephen King - Book Review

If you thought that the movie was terrifying... Forget about it!
Stephen King... I will be honest and say that he is one my favorite authors... His work is so awesome, that I can pretty much say, that with out a doubt that by being introduced to this guy's brilliant written work, and the movies that are based on his work, that these works are pretty much one of the main reasons why I do what I do these days!

I mean the detail that Mr. King puts in to his novels just really makes you feel like the book is coming to life in your hands, and the character development that he put in to all of his stories is just pure genius... No matter if they are good or bad!

And you know what? That is just part of the reason that I have found that I really enjoyed, 'Misery' (1987)!

You really don't want her as your, 'number #1 fan'...
"I'm your number one fan. There's nothing to worry about. You're going to be just fine. I will take good care of you. I'm your number one fan." - Annie Wilkes (A quote from Kathy Bates in the movie, 'Misery' based on the Stephen King novel.)
This book tells the coldly dark story of how during a snow storm in the Colorado mountains and how Paul Sheldon (a famous writer of the, ' Misery' series,) is heading home, when his car over turns... 

After this... Well he is rescued by his, 'Number #1 fan...' 

You see, this woman, is a woman who lives in the mountains, in a sort of remote area... Now at first she seems like a blessed angel... (What with having been a nurse at one time...) 

This, 'Angel-In-The-Snow' maybe a little bit more of a, 'demon'!
Well what Paul Sheldon doesn't know will hurt him... Because this woman, REALLY loves his work... And the longer they are together, the more he discovers about his, 'Angel-In-The-Snow'... And well as the saying goes... 'The greatest trick the devil ever played is convincing man he doesn't exist' (Don't quote me on that exactly... But that is basically how it goes...) 

Now I thought that the performance that Kathy Bates turned in, in the movie was absolutely brilliant... And you know what? It was! She was scary as hell! But the Annie Wilkes in the novel... Forget about it! She has the movie version beat for scares! 

All I can say is that you are going to like this novel... Just try not to read it by a roaring fire on a dark and stormy night... 
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